EducationSue grew up and attended school in Windom, MN. She attended college at Iowa Lakes CommunityCollege in Estherville, IA and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Briar Cliff College.ExperienceAfter graduating from college, Sue moved to Worthington and started her career at a local accountingfirm, where she acquired experience in the public accounting field preparing monthly financialstatements; running payroll and filing monthly, quarterly and annual tax filings; worked on audit, reviewand compilation engagements as well as preparing all types of tax returns. After a few years, Sue leftthis firm to start working in the private industry. During this time Sue continued to prepare taxes andperform bookkeeping services. Sue has an extensive knowledge base in accounting as well as tax.MemberNational Association of Tax ProfessionalsAmerican Association of Notaries
EducationDeb grew up in Manchester, MN and attended school in Albert Lea, MN. She attended college atGustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting.ExperienceAfter graduating from college, Deb moved to Worthington and started her career at a local accountingfirm, where she acquired experience in the public accounting field preparing monthly financialstatements; running payroll and filing monthly, quarterly and annual tax filings; worked on audit, reviewand compilation engagements as well as preparing all types of tax returns. After a few years, Deb leftthis firm to start working for the City of Worthington as the Staff Accountant and is currently serving asthe Finance Director. During this time Deb continued to prepare taxes and perform bookkeepingservices. Deb has an extensive knowledge base in accounting as well as tax.MemberAmerican Institute of Certified Public AccountantsMinnesota Society of Public AccountantsNational Association of Tax ProfessionalsGovernment Financial Officers AssociationMN Government Financial Officers AssociationAmerican Association of Notaries
Legacy Tax & Accounting
Tax Season - Feb. to Apr. 15M-F8:00 am - 9:00 pmSat9:00 am - 5:00 pm
EducationSue grew up and attended school in Windom, MN. She attended college at Iowa Lakes Community College in Estherville, IA and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Briar Cliff College.ExperienceAfter graduating from college, Sue moved to Worthington and started her career at a local accounting firm, where she acquired experience in the public accounting field preparing monthly financial statements; running payroll and filing monthly, quarterly and annual tax filings; worked on audit, review and compilation engagements as well as preparing all types of tax returns. After a few years, Sue left this firm to start working in the private industry. During this time Sue continued to prepare taxes andperform bookkeeping services. Sue has an extensive knowledge base in accounting as well as tax.MemberNational Association of Tax ProfessionalsAmerican Association of Notaries
EducationDeb grew up in Manchester, MN and attended school in Albert Lea, MN. She attended college at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting.ExperienceAfter graduating from college, Deb moved to Worthington and started her career at a local accounting firm, where she acquired experience in the public accounting field preparing monthly financial statements; running payroll and filing monthly, quarterly and annual tax filings; worked on audit, review and compilation engagements as well as preparing all types of tax returns. After a few years, Deb left this firm to start working for the City of Worthington as the Staff Accountant and is currently serving as the Finance Director. During this time Deb continued to prepare taxes and perform bookkeepingservices. Deb has an extensive knowledge base in accounting as well as tax.MemberAmerican Institute of Certified Public AccountantsMinnesota Society of Public AccountantsNational Association of Tax ProfessionalsGovernment Financial Officers AssociationMN Government Financial Officers AssociationAmerican Association of Notaries
Tax Season - Feb. to Apr. 15M-F 8:00 am - 9:00 pmSat9:00 am - 5:00 pm